Sunday, August 12, 2007
Long Time No See!
Sunday, January 28, 2007

Well, my Mother made the very cutest potholders ever for a Christmas present. I have been waiting foreeeeever for pics so I could show them off! They are crochet and too pretty to use! She made the poochie sweater first but these are just darling aren't they?
They were there for her when she lost her Mom, and again when we lost my brother 6 months later at way to young. The only thing I can offer these wonderful, almost impossibly real people are my thanks and my prayers of blessings for them. I don't know many of them, but I love them ALL!
Saturday, January 20, 2007

What is your level of knitting experience?
You're a knitter. There's no turning back now; soon you'll have calluses on your index fingers and double-points rolling around on the floor of your car. There are still plenty of new things you can try, but you have the basics down pat.
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Friday, January 19, 2007
I Got Tagged!
- Smariek@
- Lady Tricotine @
- Whitney @
- Kay & Ann @
Okay that sums up my obligation. Not too painful, fun actually! I have chosen the following people because they are all people I have bookmarked and visit often. I think you are all so talented and I am just very excited to be able to pull up your blogs and see what you are up to. Happy knitting and I hope this will prove to be a fun time for all of you. God bless you each one!
Dead CAT?
Well, on Tuesday my FIL was out on front porch and he hears a familiar meow, meow. Do you know what happened next? Around the corner her came Tigger trotting pretty as punch right up to my FIL for a belly rub! How do you like that. Who's cat do you suppose we took care of that awful day? I don't know about you but that is the very first time I have ever wrongly identified someone else's kitty for ours. I even checked it out up close. I was so shocked!
Thankfully we had not told my DD yet! Of course, now she knows about it. I probably should have kept my mouth shut but I can't control that thing! Here is a pic of purdy kitty...Tigger.
Rather ravishing wouldn't you say?!
Here is a pic of "Buddy" the most adorable family member in the house. (Psst...Don't tell my girls I said that!!) He is one 1 1/2 yrs old. He is a Walmeriener/Australian shepherd mix. Very smart indeed. He is 6o lbs of energy!!
My too cute DD and Buddy! He is such a character. Of course, she is too!
I have to be more eyes are apparently not that trust worthy!
I'm back I'm back....I'm really really back!
Ps. Knitting on soon!
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Christmas Gifts & Overall Update
My second and much better attempt at the Dec 1 KAL. It is even facing the right direction! YEE HAW! I was so busy with gift knitting I never even got to try the midmonth one. I will try to backtrack a little later I guess. I may not be an expert but these dishcloths are so much fun that in no time you feel like one! If you haven't joined the Monthly Dishcloth KAL you are so missing out. Check out the link at the bottom of blog!
It is day three for the Jan 1 KAL and here is my progress so far.
Not to change the subject, but here is the fast & furious Christmas gift marathon results.
1. Purple Scarf for freind Karen 2. Three dishcloths for Mom & a lovely lumpy fleece scarf in sandstone color (winter white with creamyish stray yarns throughout. (My mom is supposed to be emailing me pics of all of these. I was knitting these right up until go time and had no time to take pics, & my Mom lives out of town. She just started Nursing School today GO MOM!! So she is not cooperating very quickly. That's ok we'll wait I guess, LOL!)
3. Funky striped scarf for my youngest Anna.
4. Dark & Light pink striped scarf for my oldest Emily.
5. Some oddball grandmas favorite dishcloths that didn't make it into a Christmas box...Not sure why now. I sort of just kept making them after it was already too late. I guess I will be forced to keep them...what a hardship) NOT! (Oh, also I must give credit where credit is due..I believe that Emily and Anna did these! Oh I hope these are not a late gift that we have to mail out...If so certain recipient don't breathe a word about seeing these. I have to finish weaving the ends on these but overall they are done.)
6. Emily knit our cousin a green fleece scarf. Anna hasn't finished hers yet..she is working on a blue one for the other cousin. (Again more ends to weave...they will knit it, but I must finish it!)
7. I went nuts New Years Eve over a garterlac dishcloth and just couldn't go to bed until I made one! I finished it and headed for bed about 3am, and Hubby gives us a scare with high blood pressure and rapid racing heart rate. We headed for the ER and they got it down and sent us home 3 hrs later..Must be a record...3hrs thats all??? Today is Wed and it started again last night so we went to dr today and he changed his meds. He also has bronchitis so it is fun here right now. Poor hubby...Praying he will get well soon. Here is the cloth. This one was a bit confusing at first. I frogged it more times than I would like to admit, but I finally got it. I mastered it once I realized this was not a mindless pattern like grandmas fav though it seems this way in the beginning. Once you get used to the first row it is very easy. Counting outloud and repeating it a few times to keep your place is very helpful. The pattern is here
8. Started scarves for the sister-in-laws...saw this wasn't going to happen so they were frogged! Sorry...will have to start now for next year!! I will make something fine next year. I will probably begin in June. Right now I have twin cousins due in April but expecting them early, so I am scrambling to get a plan of action. Then of course act on it!
9. My Mom made the SAAWEETEST crocheted potholders for a dear friend of hers....they are so cute. I apparently deleted, lost or something the pics for these so I will update when I find them.
10. My Mom also made my SIL's dog a cutey patooty pompom sweater.
11. I made my first baby hat last night! It was very fun. It has two rows of eyelet holes in the center but camera does nothing justice here let alone show details!! Pics of pooch above are of course not from my camera!
Well, I guess I need to go for is 2:41am and I am tired! I was just so excited that I could actually post I could not wait. (I have been having technical difficulties with the blog...but maybe thats all better now!)
See you all later happy knitting! God Bless You and Yours in the New Year!